Jointop Service

Production Capacity And Facilities
1-Production Flow Chart 
Factory Over View
Jointop factory own two production-centers about 11000 Square Meters and 1270 workers with 1,260,000 output per month.Aim to undertake the big quantity project to make sure the timely delivery and strictly quality control.
1-Cutting Section:
2-Sewing Section:
3-Embroidery Section:
4-Finishing Section:
Company management system
1-ERP System Overall
2-Order Fulfillment Process
3-Quality Inspection Progress
①-50 Quality inspectors guarantee the accuracy of orders
②-on proceeding every day
③-1st Inspection(50% order proceeding)---pick up defective
④-products then replenish
⑤-2nd Inspection(Full order finished)
⑥-3rd Inspection(After completing packing)
4-After Sales Service
Quick feedback within 24H